Many people associate the dentist with a painful experience, especially when there is a tooth extraction involved. Common signs that you need a tooth extraction in Chicago include severe damage, gum pain, gum disease, overcrowding and infection. If you notice any of those signs, set up an appointment with our professionals at Chicago Dental Arts.
Here’s what you can expect when you go through a tooth removal procedure. Hint: it’s not going to hurt!
Before the Procedure
A comprehensive examination of the affected area will take place before the procedure itself. This will help our dental professionals get a closer look at the tooth and identify the shape, length and position. The severity of your case will determine the exact plan of action that we take but know that no matter what, your tooth extraction in Chicago will be painless.
Sedation Dentistry
In order to make sure that our patients are relaxed and don’t feel any pain during the procedure, we utilize sedation dentistry. Rest assured that our equipment is state-of-the-art, and our techniques are up-to-date; you will not feel any pain or anxiety!
Recovering from the Procedure
Recovery from the procedure takes a few days. If you are in pain, biting gently onto a gauze pad can help slow the bleeding and form a blood clot. Make sure to use ice to reduce swelling and avoid drinking from a straw for the first 24 hours after your procedure. If you think that you are developing an infection, or you notice excessive redness or swelling, call us and set up an appointment.
If you’re in need of a tooth extraction in Chicago, contact Chicago Dental Arts for a pain-free experience.